The first large-scale deep salt cavern hydrogen storage project in China

Industry news
28 November 2024
источник: China Hydrogen
China Pingmei Shenma Group, a major coal, coal power, and chemicals production company headquartered in Henan province, began construction of China’s first large-scale deep salt cavern hydrogen storage project in Ye county, Henan province.

The project is located at salt field of the mining area of China Pingmei Shenma Group United Salt Chemical Company. The top of the salt layer is about 1,030 meters underground, and the designed drilling depth is 1,480 meters.

The hydrogen would be transported from neighboring Henan Shenma Chlor Alkali Development Co., Ltd, another subsidiary of China Pingmei Shenma Group.

The project, with a total investment of Rmb 78 million, plans to complete drilling by the end of 2024, cavern formation and pipeline construction by April 2025, and pivot demonstration by September 2025.

Although China has great potential to develop deep salt cavern hydrogen storage capabilities, these projects only gain attractions recently.